Saturday, December 4, 2010

3 sebab knape model autoshow sgt penting....

ok... kite slalu nmpak diorg kt autoshow.... tp apakah fungsi diorg nih....... heheh

1)membantu membuat decision dlm membeli krete....

male buyers: definitely buying this car... meow too!!!
female buyer: animal frankestein!! ( sambil mencubit suaminye yg trbeliak mate)

male buyers: hurm... maybe... but please no pole dance.. especially from you
female buyers: is there any free gift? please blink2... smbil menggu smpai pole dancing abes...

male buyers: absolutely not... ugly monkeys wit shoe...
female buyers: aren't they look cute!!! lets sing ~ wonderpet2 kami datang~

2) so the gentleman can show off their wealth to d' girlz.....

3) to wax the car.... no need bangladesh to clean those cars.....

Friday, December 3, 2010


1) diorg nk kelihatn cntik mcm diorg...... u seee...... sooo girlish...... yucks...

2) mereke nk jd duta perang korea U n korea S..... sgt ambitious wanita malaysia

3) diorg tk ley tackle malaysian chinese guy......n maybe malaysian guys x romantik kononnyer...shitZ..

4) sebagai distraction dr lelaki lombok.. ok gi tgk crite korea... jgn tgk sinetron lg... nyampah...

ok... gurau2 jee.. jgn amek hati sgt kpd yg minat mamat korea... hhahaha p/s: hurrmmmm yg bwh ni cute gile... witch yoo hee... dono her real name.... who cares.. we have lisa surirumah....


tandasku... restoren ku....

slurp2... berselerenyer aku nk mkn kt sini.... shitzzzzzzz ..... tk pnah lg aku trpkir nk makan kt tandas.... kcuali time bln pose... heheh men2 je.....

tp kalo korg da slah msuk dan tk thn bole la buang kt sni... diorg kutip buat aiskrim...
bestnyer..pak cik bole kentut2 smbil mkn....
korg da buang pastu nk mkn kt sni pown boley... cam amoi nih... comelkan...
klo tk nk makan taek sndri pown korg bole ltak atas kpale org laen... yucks yg ni tk cute,,,

kesimpulnnyer... tetibe aku rse nk try la restaurnt nih... hahahah... cam sdap je aiskrim taik dier tuh...

p/s- teringat tndas umah sewa lpas slere nk mkn sminggu...

bile naek minyak...

A husband and wife are shopping in their local Wal-Mart. The husband picks up a case of Budweiser and puts it in their cart.

“What do you think you're doing?” asks the wife.

“They're on sale, only $10 for 24 cans,” he replies.

“Put them back, we can't afford them,” demands the wife, and so they carry on shopping.

A few aisles further on along the woman picks up a $20 jar of face cream and puts it in the basket.

“What do you think you're doing?” asks the husband.

“It's my face cream. It makes me look sexy and beautiful for you when we're making love,” replies the wife.

Her husband retorts: “So do 24 cans of Budweiser... and at half the price!”


lame jgak aku da tk bukak blog..... sampai aku pown da tk igt aku ade blog.... sblum ni ade beberape post yg aku padam sbab bile aku bace blk aku rse tk sesuai utk aku kemukekan.... hehhe